Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2019 XC-StanCo Team Rankings

With the league contests all taking place over the next 10 days I though I would give rankings another shot. These are largely based on the most recent league cluster meets and invitationals. It does factor in a couple of injuries that I do know about (and no I do not know everything). It does not take into consideration who might be moved down to bolster F/S teams at Subs and Sections. I was thinking of the top runners from each team competing head to head regardless of grade/age. As always I am open to other opinions...


1. PITMAN--they won CCAL 2 and beat Hughson at their own invite (although it was fairly close)

2. HUGHSON--their overall health seems to have improved since losing TVL 2

3. OAKDALE--#1 and 2 seem to be getting better and better (they beat everyone from RBK, Tur, and Greg). They were missing some runners at Clovis Inv. With the whole crew I think this is their position.

4. RIVERBANK--they beat a shorthanded Hughson team at TVL 2. They also would have beaten Gregori and Turlock at Clovis both on time and head to head.

5. GREGORI/TURLOCK/DOWNEY--too close for me to separate these teams. CCAL 3 will decide this one way or another.


1. GREGORI--won CCAL 2. Has the top runner in the County (maybe even the Section) and #2 runner is growing in leaps and bounds

2. PITMAN--2nd at CCAL 2. Some of their younger runners are moving up the ranks making the Pride even a stronger team

3. OAKDALE--dominated VOL 2 with both Humble and Leagan competing again. Hopefully they are strengthening to make a run at State.

4. TURLOCK--they placed third behind both Gregori and Pitman at CCAL 2 while having a really off day. If they can compete like they did at CCAL 1 they would move up this list.

5. DOWNEY--just behind Turlock at CCAL 2

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