Saturday, March 8, 2025

2025 Track Week 2 (County, Timberwolf, Wolf Pack Relays)

The Stanislaus County meet was the highlight of the week. The times and number of PRs attained was incredible. Five more runners earned a StanCo shirt...that keeps me busy running all over the county.
The competing StanCo teams were Big Valley, Riverbank, Oakdale, Hughson, Orestimba, Denair, Downey, Enochs, Gregori, Turlock, Pitman, Beyer, Grace Davis, Ceres, Central Valley, Modesto Christian, and Patterson. The top seven runners qualified for the County Clash meet that is 3/28 in Oakdale.
VG 1600
Carlson, Arriaza, and Leach battle in the 1600
1. Avery Carlson (Pitman) 5:07.86 #19 all time
2. Zoe Leach (Downey) 5:09.13 #22 all time
3. Natalie Arriaza (Patterson) 5:11.49
4. Addison Wylie (Oakdale) 5:27.55
5. Jessica Vigil (Riverbank) 5:27.59
6. Aubrey Webb (Turlock) 5:30.12
7. Samantha DeLaCruz (Orestimba) 5:30.47
8. Bradie Evans (Oakdale) 5:30.50
9. Emerson Newton (Pitman) 5:39.89
10. Noeli Gomez Orozco (Hughson) 5:47.04
VB 1600
Petty, Dominguez, Santos lead the charge in the 1600
 1. Teddy Santos (Turlock) 4:24.95
2. Parker Whitemyer (Oakdale) 4:25.92
3. Logan Petty (Turlock) 4:26.63
4. Ismael Dominguez (Oakdale)
5. Patricio Kearney (Orestimba) 4:30.27
6. Alex Mejia Hidalgo (Beyer) 4:31.06
7. Colvin Hamel (Pitman) 4:34.84
8. Havyn Bartell (Beyer) 4:37.02
9. Diego Cibrian (Grace Davis) 4:41.29
10. Eli Scott (Pitman) 4:41.81
11. Cesar Bojorques (Downey) 4:47.90
VG 800
Evans, Newton, Rodriguez in the 800
1. Bradie Evans (Oakdale) 2:29.06
2. Melanie Rodriguez (Patterson) 2:29.35
3. Emerson Newton (Pitman) 2:29.89
4. Tylea Badea (Beyer) 2:30.93
5. Ashley Diaz (Turlock) 2:34.36
6. Jordon Wylie (Oakdale) 2:37.33
7. Nayeli Solis DeLaCruz (Turlock) 2:39.99
8. Montana Rodin (Pitman) 2:41.06
9. Jasmin Ricardez (Enochs) 2:41.21
VB 800
Petty beats the charging pack in the 800
1. Logan Petty (Turlock) 2:00.93
2. Sergio Torres (Ceres) 2:01.22
3. Teddy Santos (Turlock) 2:01.41
4. Colvin Hamel (Pitman) 2:01.42
5. Parker Whitemyer (Oakdale) 2:04.44
6. Edgar Alvarez Diaz (Patterson) 2:05.86
7. Julian Barrera (Ceres) 2:09.08
VG 3200
Benham and Webb both PR in the 3200
1. Avery Carlson (Pitman) 11:17.60
2. Aubrey Webb (Turlock) 11:40.80
3. Sophie Benham (Hughson) 11:48.82
4. Addison Wylie (Oakdale) 11:53.59
5. Jessica Vigil (Riverbank) 11:55.29
6. Charlotte Tooze (Gregori) 12:12.32
7. Lilly Edgerton (Turlock) 12:23.14
8. Ava Calandro (Oakdale) 12:27.41
9. Alejandro Gonzalez (Hughson) 12:43.74
VB 3200
Wejmar, Dominguez, and Muturi in the 3200
 1. Ismael Dominguez (Oakdale) 9:43.33
2. Larson Wejmar (Turlock) 9:43.51
3. Sean Muturi (Oakdale) 9:53.81
4. Yuushi Kennedy (Beyer) 9:56.58
5. Gabriel Avalos (Turlock) 9:57.60
6. Grant Fahrney (Gregori) 10:03.07
7. Diego Cibrian (Grace Davis) 10:05.71
8. Alessandro Pimentel (Hughson) 10:06.76
9. Matt Santana (Riverbank) 10:13.21
10. Gabriel Penwell (Enochs) 10:14.27
11. Bobby Nieto (Hughson) 10:17.53
12. Eli Scott (Pitman) 10:19.89
13. Eli Pimentel (Pitman) 10:21.48
FRI 3/7/25 TIMBERWOLF @ Sierra HS, Manteca
The competing StanCo teams were Johansen, Modesto, and Central Catholic.
VG 800
1. Emma Lynn Hogan (Central Catholic) 2:33.18
5. Maya Wolfe (Modesto) 2:40.70
VB 800
1. Christian Gonzalez (Sierra) 2:04.69
4. Jonathan Palafox (Central Catholic) 2:10.00
VG 1600
1. Emma Lynn Hogan (Central Catholic) 5:44.74
VB 1600
1. Oscar Amgel (Manteca) 4:35.15
VG 3200
1. Jordyn Hagarty (Manteca) 12:41.89
6. Gaby Sanchez 12:58.50
VB 3200
1. Oscar Angel (Manteca) 9:56.92
4. Jovani Franco (Modesto) 10:35.22
5. Mateo Quinonez (Central Catholic) 10:44.58 

SAT  3/8/25 WOLF PACK RELAYS @ Merrill West HS, Tracy
 The competing StanCo team was Turlock.
VG 1600
1. Elle Williams (Turlock) 5:20.95
3. Maguire Lima (Turlock) 5:40.82
4. Elizabeth Christopher (Turlock) 5:46.42

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