Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Holidays

Many people have recently thanked me for my contribution to the distance runners of Stanislaus County. I appreciate the kind words. This was the completion of my sixth year covering StanCo XC. Sometimes the days are long, and when I am trudging through a massive pile of race images/pics or out standing in the rain,  I occasionally wonder is it all worth it.

Of course it is. When I was a scrawny lost teen with little self esteem, it was running that saved me. It provided family, discipline, and ultimately instilled me with self-confidence. Through the long miles I sorted out my thoughts and emotions. In short it laid the foundation for the man I eventually became. Now my body won't seem to let me run, and my teaching schedule won't let me coach. So I try to stay connected to the sport that I love and give back with the time I have.

So in short, I am grateful to the greater StanCo family. It is inspiring to watch the runners grow through their HS years and find their own self-confidence the way that I did. Hopefully my photos are able to capture a few moments of fragility and strength frozen in time.

Happy Holidays to everyone.