Monday, May 12, 2014

VOL Championship

The schools in the MMC may have higher enrollments; but their smaller cousins in the WAC, TVL, and VOL frequently have stronger sports programs. Track is no exception to that rule. Oakdale is the only StanCo school in the VOL, but a head to head MMC vs VOL comparison would heavily favor the VOL.

VG 800m
1. Sara Stevens (Oakdale) 2:26.03
11. Viviana Aguilera (Oakdale) 2:38.35

VB 1600m
3. Isaiah Aguilar (Oakdale) 4:35.71

F/S B 3200m
2. Josh Gorman (Oakdale) 10:43.27

VB 3200m
4. Isaiah Aguilar (Oakdale) 10:30.78


1 comment:

  1. I'd say the TVL would stack up pretty well against the MMC league v. league, especially on the girls side.
